the only good part of this process is that i usually end up coming up with the best ideas that i never follow through with, or forget about.
but one of them actually stuck.
i started thinking about getting old and dying and i started to panic. (this seems to happen pretty frequently lately)
and i thought, "with my belief system, this should not scare me." which it then became apparent that my testimony is obviously much weaker than it should be. and it wasn't this huge epiphany, i've known for awhile, and made some feeble attempts to strengthen it. (reading scriptures everyday etc.)
but when it comes right down to it, if i'm being honest with myself, (which i am usually bad at) i waste A LOT of time with stupid things, like facebook, tv, magazines, stumbling through the internet etc. etc.
i honestly believe that all of this is cluttering up my brain.
anyway, the whole point is that this is an ironic blog post about how i am going on a media fast for a week in order to get back in touch with my spiritual side and strengthen my testimony. i will give up TV, internet, non-fiction books, radio, mainstream/worldly music, newspapers, magazines, etc.
it probably seems like i am posting this to be self righteous or something, but i actually just thought it might be thought provoking to other people too.
if by chance you yourself have ever tried a media fast i would love to hear all about it. i plan on keeping a journal [everday] throughout the process, and depending on how interesting it is, i will possibly post those entries when the week is over. because after all, it's not like anyone reads this thing anyway. ;)