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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brad is such a stinker.

My boyfriend (fiance now i guess, tee hee) Brad, you might know him, his last name is Pitt, he's been in a couple movies. Anyway, he's so silly! He took me to the golden globes with him and he suprised me with a BIG FAT ROCK in the limo! that's why i am so excited in my pic. I couldn't believe it, he was like, "Kynslie, i'm not getting any younger, even though i'm aging beautifully, i'm tired of the whole 'let's adopt 8 thousand kids' thing with Angelina, and I'm ready to be with you for the rest of my life." and i was so excited cause for some reason he's been keeping me a secret. he told me not to tell anyone yet, but like i could hold it in. anyways. i can't wait to start my new life with him.

p.s. sorry my dress is immodest, Brad's stylist insisted that's the only way for me to one up his ex lovers. so i sold out my beliefs for a night.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Worlds Greatest Guitar Hero? Try again.

Listen, Let me start off by saying, I love to play Guitar Hero as much as the next guy. It's fun. There's no denying that. But I must say, I would never judge a man by how good he was at a VIDEO GAME!

This game is wildly popular, a game that has swept the nation off of it's feet in a face melting romance, prudes and punks alike. I'm sure if you totaled up the amount of hours human beings have wasted thus far on this video game (myself included) it would be a staggering amount. Days wasted, maybe even months?

Regardless of how fun this may be, I stumbled upon a video on youtube today that make me laugh, cry, and want to punch my computer screen all in one swoop. (if you'd like to see for yourself)

This young man with a slight lisp, is claiming to be the true guitar hero. It is sickening. He is claiming this because he can beat Dragonforce's complex song, Through the Fire and The Flames on expert 100%. Granted, this song is very hard to beat, I am sure. But my friend, you are NOT the true guitar hero. Let us give some credit to Herman Li and Sam Totman, the guitarists for Dragonforce. After all, they are the ones who can ACTUALLY PLAY THIS SONG ON A REAL GUITAR!!

You can find hundreds upon hundreds of videos that are posted to impress with people playing this song, and other Dragonforce songs on guitar hero, and getting a high score. But you don't seem to see very many people impressed with the true musicians here.

In fact, upon watching the zit faced kid's video, I found another video interviewing Herman Li and he stated that even though the band was satisfied with the popularity of this song, they wished that their talent wasn't always tied to a video game. Video games are fantasy he said.

You can get pretty good at Guitar Hero within a matter of days, but it takes years of practice to become a real guitar legend. And the more we praise these geeks who think that this video game is going to make them famous in the music industry, the more we make them believe they have a real talent, when really, they do not. They just have too much time on their hands, and not enough pokemon cards to keep them busy.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Contrary to Popular Belief.

*Bright colored eye shadow shouldn't happen. Above, we see what i call, worst case scenario.

*Mustaches are actually really cool. . . . . most of the time.

*Belly shirts are not attractive, no matter how skinny (or not) you are.. Male or Female. ( i know this thing is wearing a bikini top, but it's hilarious)

*Driving a truck does not make you more important than the rest of us. No matter how lifted it is. But I would like to thank you again for cutting me off in the snow storm and getting in the way of my visibility, with no concern for anyone but yourself. You're a champion