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Thursday, July 15, 2010


Luckily for all of you i've been in SUPER ANNOYED WITH EVERYTHING MODE.
You'd think I'd stay off of places like Facebook when I have this problem, but guess what? I don't.

SO, with that said, i've got some things to say.

Dear Foodies,
I know you think everyone cares what you had for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But guess what unless you ate a human, or lawn chair, NOBODY CARES.

Dear Marrieds,
Unless he recently saved you from a fire, it's father's day, or your anniversary (and I'm being generous.) I do not want to read about how amazing your husband is. Unless he dutch ovened you in bed.

Dear Drama Kings/Queens,
Seriously. Stop with the boo hoo cryptic posts that are so obviously desperate cries for attention. If you want my attention, you're going to have to earn it, and with a status update that says something like, "This is the last time. I'm done." I'm not impressed. And it makes me want to puke whenever I see someone comment "What's wrong?"

Dear Music Lovers,
I get it, you love that song. But stop posting lyrics. I don't care if you know how to put little

on the outisde of the words. I DON'T. CARE. don't care.

Dear Old People,
Cancel your account.

Dear Bloggers,
Facebook is not a blog, please stop with the recaps of your entire day.

Dear Funny people,
None of these rules apply to you (including the old people) Keep up the good work.


Jes said...

Ha ha! I think I fall into like 3 of these categories :(

Saule Cogneur said...

Sadly, FB exists only for self importance. It THRIVES on such things.

The only way to keep account is to post responses that show the annoying people how little I care or how stupid I think they are.

It's a game. I win points for every person I insult who doesn't know they are being mocked. That's right. I'm just mature that way.